X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab

X32-Mix App Tutorial Detail Tab

Last week I started my X32-Mix App Tutorial series with the Detail Tab, if you haven’t seen the blog post, check it out here: X32-Mix App Tutorial Detail Tab. This week we look into the ‘Effects Tab’ of the X32-Mix.

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Reverb

Here we have our Effects Tab! All of the knobs, sliders, and buttons on the effects screens are touch sensitive, so if you touch a slider, you can move it up or down! Also, when you move any of the sliders, it will show the current value:

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Changing Knobs

X32-Mix Effects Routing Racks 1-4

Effects racks 1-4 are the time-based effects on the X32, typically these are on mixbusses 13-16. We can, however, select from Insert, Mixbus 1-16 and Main M/C. Simply press the button where it says Bus 13 and a drop down will appear.

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Routing

X32-Mix Effects Routing Racks 5-8

Effects racks 5-8 are the insert effects on the X32 and can be routed to Channel 1-32, Mixbus 1-16, Matrix 1-6, Main LR, and Main M/C.

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Routing

On FX5-8 we also have the ability to insert and un-insert the effect on the same page as the effect:

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Insert

X32-Mix Effects Changing Effects

Changing the effect type is pretty easy! Press the ‘Effects’ button and a menu will appear and you can swipe right and left to go through the different effects:

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Changing Effect Type

X32-Mix Effects Presets

We also have the ability to pull up the effects presets that are loaded onto the X32 by pressing ‘Presets’:

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - Presets

Little Plug Here:

I just released my Behringer X32 Effects Presets Library which has 100 of my favorite settings for my favorite effects on the Behringer X32 and Midas M32 consoles! Make sure to go check it out!

Behringer X32 Effects Presets Library Download

X32-Mix Effects TruEQ & GEQ have RTA!

With the graphic equalizers, TruEQ and GEQ, you can overlay the RTA in a bar mode or a spectrograph mode.

X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab - RTA

Next time!

That is all for this week’s X32-Mix App Tutorial Effects Tab! Next time, we will take a look at the Scenes tab of the X32-Mix App!